405 Slater St, Fairbanks, AK 99701

Time in Fairbanks, AK
08:28:36 PM
Time in Fairbanks, AK

Current time offset is UTC-9. Timezone abbreviation is AKST. Daylight Saving Time (DST) is not active.

405 Slater St is a Unspecified house. Building was built in 1971. The home is 54 years old. The land lot size is 0.43 acres. The lot's dimensions are: 0.43 acres.


Property Information

Property Type


Build Year


Land Sq. Footage

0.43 acres

Lot Dimension

0.43 acres

Past Residents

Sandra Compton
Sharon Cofey
Sharon Cofey
Dawn A Stephenson
Robert Cook
Troy W Nelson
Steven Gene Law
Adam Brenton Boucher


Information updated on Mar 01, 2024