3739 Crofters Ct, Pleasanton, CA 94588

Time in Pleasanton, CA
09:43:14 PM
Time in Pleasanton, CA

Current time offset is UTC-8. Timezone abbreviation is PST. Daylight Saving Time (DST) is not active.

3739 Crofters Ct is zoned as a Single Family building. The building is 48 years old. #946112210 is the number that was assigned to the parcel. Living area: 2,369 sqft. 8,104 sqft is the land lot size. The lot's dimensions are: 8,104 sqft.


Property Information

Property Type

Single Family

Build Year


Parcel #


Total Living Area

2,369 sqft

Land Sq. Footage

8,104 sqft

Lot Dimension

8,104 sqft

Past Residents

Dina L Tavares
Donna L Tavares
Darren T Tavares
Michael Paden
Dawn M Tavares

Neighborhood Sales

Neighborhood Floor Size Analysis

Age Distribution

Age groups distribution in the neighborhood based on information from the thousands households located nearby.


Information updated on Mar 01, 2024