17 Greenway Rd, New London, CT 06320

Time in New London, CT
07:31:04 PM
Time in New London, CT

Current time offset is UTC-5. Timezone abbreviation is EST. Daylight Saving Time (DST) is not active.

This property is classified as a Multi-Family Home dwelling. The house is 125 years old. Living area size is A/C. The size of the land lot is 0.38 acres. The lot's dimensions are: 0.38 acres. $852,000 were paid for this building on 2005-01-28. Dwelling has an Asphalt roof. The heating type is Steam.


Property Information

Sold Date


Price Sold




Property Type

Multi-Family Home

Build Year


Total Living Area


Land Sq. Footage

0.38 acres

Heating Type


Lot Dimension

0.38 acres

Past Residents

Robin J Thomson
Brad Perriello
Brad Perriello
Alexandra Knott
Kate Daiger
Rachel Muncrief
Roger P Wasberg
Rebecca A Callan
Rebecca A Callan

Neighborhood Sales

Neighborhood Floor Size Analysis

Age Distribution

Age groups distribution in the neighborhood based on information from the thousands households located nearby.


Information updated on Mar 01, 2024