323 W 30Th St, Ny, NY 10001

Time in Ny, NY
08:27:45 PM
Time in Ny, NY

Current time offset is UTC-5. Timezone abbreviation is EST. Daylight Saving Time (DST) is not active.

323 W 30th St is classified as a High Rise residence. It is 4-storeys property. Living area: 5,416 sqft. 2,271 sqft is the land lot size. The lot's dimensions are: Depth: 98.75, Width: 23. Property just value is $849,150.


Property Information

Just Value


# of Floors


Total Living Area

5,416 sqft

Lot Dimension

Depth: 98.75, Width: 23

Land Sq. Footage

2,271 sqft

Property Type

High Rise

Past Residents

Carol L Smorag
Michael Rahav
Marcelino G Heredia
Sean R Abernethy
Joe Rodriguez
Eva R Landrum
Jose Novoa
Yvette Ingram
Enrique Figueroa

Neighborhood Sales

Neighborhood Floor Size Analysis

Age Distribution

Age groups distribution in the neighborhood based on information from the thousands households located nearby.


Information updated on Mar 01, 2024